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Kevin Fullam writesThe Fourth Wall: “The Killer”

Welcome to The Fourth Wall, CHIRP's e-conversation on cinema. This week's subject is the 2023 film The Killer.

This edition is written by CHIRP Radio volunteers Kevin Fullam and Clarence Ewing.


"Stick to your plan. Anticipate, don't improvise." -- the titular protagonist of The Killer

Are we sure that The Killer doesn't moonlight as a day trader? As someone who watches the markets, I find myself repeating similar mantras each morning. But never fear, Ye Reader -- the soul-crushing monotony that describes the life of an assassin here is pretty much a non-starter for yours truly. Waiting. Waiting. Always waiting.

David Fincher's new film, The Killer, seems like a bit of a stylistic salute to his 1999 magnum opus Fight Club. Both are adaptations of novels and feature plenty of internal monologues. And both feature leads who possess a certain implacability born of shattered psyches. In the latter, The Narrator (Edward Norton) develops his Thousand-Yard Stare along his descent, whereas the eponymous "hero" (Michael Fassbender) of The Killer displays a stony demeanor from the opening bell.

If The Killer is on your trail, somebody very, very rich has decided that you should no longer be breathing. As Jaqen H'ghar from Game of Thrones once put it: "A minute, an hour, a month. Death is certain. The time is not." Until the day comes when death isn't certain -- a bystander gets in the way of a bullet meant for a target. The Killer's mission is aborted. And his employers, per standard operating procedure, immediately decide to cover their tracks by eliminating all loose ends.

Thus kicks off the heart of the tale, as The Killer realizes that he'll never be safe until his tracks are indeed covered... but in the opposite direction. Predator vs. prey? No. Predator vs. other predators. It's his employers and their hired guns who have to disappear.

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Categorized: The Fourth Wall

CHIRP Radio writesCHIRP Radio Weekly Voyages (Jan 22 - Jan 28)

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CHIRP Radio writesCHIRP Radio Weekly Voyages (Jan 8 - Jan 14)

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CHIRP Radio writesCHIRP Radio’s Top 10 Albums of 2023

CHIRP Radio Best of 2023Another year has passed, which means another collection of fantastic music added to the CHIRP Radio library. And once again, our volunteers took a look back at the records that stood out for them.

Out of the almost 300 records hat got a shout-out, this year’s most-cited album is by a veteran Chicago band that’s been gracing the CHIRP airwaves since their debut LP release in 2016.

It continues to be CHIRP Radio’s purpose and pleasure to present all of this music and the amazing artists who make it. Our deepest thanks for your support, and Best Wishes from all of us to all of you for 2024 and beyond!




#1 The Window by Ratboys (Topshelf)

BUY: Reckless / Amazon

Ratboys The WindowThe only album on my list whose ranking most definitely won’t change is my AOTY, the fifth and latest release from our hometown heroes, Ratboys. I have been a huge fan of this alt-country/emo outfit ever since I first discovered them six years ago when a band photographer friend brought me to their GN album release show. I was instantly blown away and went straight to the merch table to pick up a vinyl copy immediately after the show. Every subsequent album has been better than the previous and The Window is no exception. It is insanely catchy, heartfelt, and frontwoman Julia Steiner’s twangy vocals perfectly compliment their incomparable blend of folk, country, and emo. --Eric Wiersema

Inject this straight into my veins. By far the best record release this year and its the only one I'm ranking because it truly deserves to be number one. The music Chicago's Ratboys makes is nearly impossible to disagree with and is full of Kentucky blues inflections that Julia (Vocals/Songwriting) grew up with. They're absolutely flourishing as a quartet. --Nik Hunder



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